
We are excited to announce our collaboration with Birds of Paradise (BOP) to offer a new creative development opportunity for artists who identify as disabled and as a person of colour or from a mixed heritage.

The aim of this project is to provide an opportunity that is designed for the specific communities that each of our organisations specialise in working with, and to create a supportive environment for artists who may have experienced barriers in previous development opportunities.

Making work involves a lot of hard work and finding the time, space and resources to do this can be a challenge. BOP and Bijli are creating this opportunity so that artists who experience barriers or exclusion can have time to think, research, experiment and develop their ideas, with the knowledge they are being paid for their time and are in a supportive environment with access to the knowledge of both companies.

There are two strands of funding to apply for and also additional budgets are available if you have any access requirements for the application process, or the project itself, including providing BSL translators and captions.


Midnight, Monday 28 February 2022

Visit the BOP theatre page

For more information on this opportunity, who we are looking for, and how to apply.

How to apply

Click here to apply now